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Assumption of risk

Participation in trampoline activities is an inherently dangerous recreational activity and involves a level of risk that each participant must evaluate on their own. By using this facility, you are assuming a risk of serious injury or death.For safety, you should be in good health and free from high blood pressure, heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness, or other conditions that could be aggravated by jumping on a trampoline. Expectant mothers should not jump.WARNING! Catastrophic injury, paralysis or even death may result from failing to follow the rules below and due to inherent risks, sometimes even if all rules are followed.

Liability Waiver

In order to have access to the facility, all guests of Aerosports are bound by the liability waiver and release set forth in the terms of the Agreement that must be executed upon admittance to this facility. Those under the age of 18 must have the Agreement completed and signed by their parent or legal guardian.

Somersaults not recommended

Landing on the head or neck can cause serious injury, paralysis or death, even when landing in the middle of the mat. Jumpers must maintain total control of their bodies while jumping.

Do not double bounce

Do not double bounce.

Wear appropriate clothing

Clothes must be free of hanging zippers, belts, strings and jewelry must be removed. Pockets must be empty and have nothing in mouth (e.g. gum, candy or other).

No diving into foam pits

No diving into the foam pits.

Be Alert

Be aware and considerate of those around you. Jump with people that are of similar size.

No Climbing

Do not climb on walls or netting and do not touch basketball apparatus.

No Drugs

Do not use a trampoline when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

No Rough-Housing

No tackling, pushing or other activity that may unnecessarily interfere with the jumping or concentration of another participant.This is a listing of our general rules. It is not a all inclusive list, and the rules are subject.